Film Poster

Purpose of a Film Poster

The purpose of a film poster is to make the audience aware of the movie coming out. It triggers the public to research about it and find out more about it, if the poster grasps their attention.

Conventions of a Film Poster

When looking into the conventions of a film poster and analyzing different modern film posters i found there are a lot of features to add into a movie poster. However in the more modern movie posters i found there to be less conventions than older ones.

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There are more conventions you can include into your poster including:

  • Social Media- These are Twitter accounts, Facebook, etc. These give the audience control and gives them the access to interact with the film in a way and follow it
  • Age Rating- Some posters contain the rating of the film to make the audience aware of the age. This is seen more as a functional aspect and is just useful information for audiences to know. However some posters are created before they have declared the rating.

age ratings

  • Reviews- These are sometimes included on the front of the poster but is more well known for when out on DVD and you find it at the back. These are there to show the audience other peoples perspectives of the film and whether it is as good to other people.

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  • Fonts- Font is more of a symbolic convention, as its unique to the movie and its theme. No movie poster will have the same fonts. The specific font for the film almost makes it recognizable to the audience and they can relate it to the film.

Title1_0 (3) xbffs Hunger-Games-Title-Treatment


Independent Movie Posters









Fright Night (1985)                                                            Black Swan (2010)

These are two examples of two independent films that were quiet popular in the film industry.

Fright Night went onto making a remake, and black swan won the independent film award.

Independent films haven’t been very popular however since 2010 independent films have become quiet popular and are just as good as Hollywood blockbusters.

However Independent films compared to Hollywood blockbusters have to put a lot more effort into their marketing skills in promoting the film to try and give it the attention of a Hollywood blockbuster.

Where can movie posters be found?

Over the years film productions have found different ways in promoting there films by using film posters. Film posters can be found in various locations. For example:

101_8411-760783     blogger2     mr grey will see you now billboard

With the posters being so noticeable and in such public places it makes the public more aware of them therefore making them interested. This strategy is used regularly and is the best way for a film to get noticed.

Costs of a movie poster?

When looking at a movie poster you never really think about the costs going towards the posters, and how much it actually costs to create one.

When doing some research on Google i discovered the most expensive film poster ever made which was sold:



The poster ‘Metropolis’ from 1927 was sold for £690,000 in 2005.


Ideas for our movie poster

For our movie poster we first found the idea from a poster called breaking point.



We liked the idea of this poster because of the smash effect on his body. We then come up with the idea of using our main character (Andrew) to get into a similar position and use the same effect because of the title of our film being titled broken. However when thinking about the idea we thought it was so cliche and not original so we wanted something unique.

We then decided instead of using the main person of our film like all main ideas, we decided to use a symbol from our film to not give so much away. We’ve come up with the idea of using the controller and hanging it. We also come up with the slogan ‘Somethings should be left untouched’ This symbolises how the game should not have been touched in the first place there for making him the way he is in the end.

We decided on a plain white background with a similar effect used in the terminator poster.



We drew up a draft and then created it to see our ideas come to life.











However, when looking at the final drafts as a group there was so disagreements about the tagline. So as a group we decided to change the tagline, and come up with a new one. ‘Are you the one in control?’

Personally i prefer this tagline as it is a question, and lets the audience think about the question personally as its directed to them. And think its a good link back to our short film.


This is our final poster.

We come to the agreement of making our title more bolder and made the headline more central.

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